Thursday, October 8, 2009


I recently spoke with a friend who had much like everyone been hit by financial challenges.  She was amazingly calm and collective about her situation and she remained prayerful for change. The thing I admire most about her is that she never loses faith.  She said I'm just going to keep on living right and I know things will change.  Sure enough she went back to her dream of her own consulting firm and she got a client who is offering her an opportunity she can't pass up.  Wouldn't it be great if we all lived in the now?  We can't change the mistakes we made but we can learn from them and continue to grow.  Understanding that there will be challenges in our lives but reconizing that they are not much more than a bump in the road to our rediscovery of self.  I challenge you to move forward and don't look back.  Live right and watch the world around you change.  Make the commit to yourself whether it be to go back to school, change careers or become an entrepreneur and live in that decision.  You will be glad you did!

Lovin' you is easy,