Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year

So...one would think the best way to start or prepare for a New Year would be to make resolutions. These goals or promises that we make every year prepare us with optimism and help us feel encouraged and rejuvenated, right? They give us a goal to work towards, an aspiration to target or possibly something to keep us focused. I'll tell you what.....they bring on too much stress for me. I've found that I have become so focused on what I didn't do the past year that I can't think straight for the New Year.  When I began to think about preparing my a new list I was disheartened that I have a list from last year with only two items half way crossed out, a few big stars next to the "I really mean I'm going to do this" items and a bucket list of changes that never came to fruition.  So with that I vow from the rooftop of the tallest building in the NYC..................NO MORE RESOLUTIONS!! Yup, I said it.  I'm not trying to let the stress of completing a list depress me into this new year of opportunity.  I have and will continue to change my mind set about my current aspirations and will remain focused to pursuing the happy. Yes I said it the happy.
We run around feeling upset and depressed about life's challenges not recognizing we have come as far as we are because of triumphs. You can only change a situation, outcome or mindset if you choose to.  We have a creator that is able to do what we cannot (Ephesians 3:20) and as we give up control over the things we struggle with and release it to Him, He will do the unimaginable (Galatians 2:20). How about living knowing that there are unimaginable possibilities?  Why not make the choice to just do.  Be confident in your choices this year not only for yourself but for others as you reach out to lend a hand (cause you know you feel encouraged when you lend a hand, right?). Tell someone there are unimaginable possibilities that can unfold for them and encourage them to keep on keepin' on (paying homage to the 70’s always).  Small steps toward the possibilities bring you closer to them but no step at all leaves you with regrets (and we'll have none of that of that this year). 
This New Year brings fresh new opportunities so think outside the box, conquer great mountains and live this year without RESOLUTIONS!!

Lovin' you is easy,